In early 2011, I was flying in Flight Simulator and I realized that while my passengers embarked or disembarked, they always heard the same songs of FSPassengers, and always in the same sequence. Then I decided to create an application that offered me more options to vary both the songs and the sequence in which they were executed. It was the birth of what I called FSPMusic.
In mid-2011 I’ve bought the FS2Crew Voice Commander Edition for the PMDG 737 and I was annoyed, since the voices of both the flight attendants of FS2Crew and FSPassengers overlapped. I decided to make an application again to solve this problem, since I would not be enough to erase the lines of the commissioners, because I use another aircrafts which do not use FS2Crew. Then SpilFSP was born, which also includes the module FSPMusic into a single application.

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